For A Small Monthly Fee Of $29.99, Black Hedge Personal Plan Includes Four Key Areas Of Legal Protection:
- Instant Visual Access and representation to an attorney and four contacts in the event that you are pulled over or approached by law enforcement.
- You will be connected with a Attorneys within 3 minutes of your interaction with law enforcement. Attorneys are available 24/7 for emergency situations.
- Traffic stops are limited to two per month per household. Any service in excess of 2 will encounter an additional fee of $19.99
- You can speak with an attorney on an unlimited number of personal legal issues to get legal advice.
- Represent you in court
- Your provider attorney can defend you in court and represent you in a range of legal proceedings.
- Your provider attorney can make phone calls and write letters on your behalf to address legal problems.
- Review Documents and Contracts
- Your membership covers any personal legal documents up to 20 pages in length with no extra or hidden fees.
- Draft Documents and Contracts
- You get an attorney drafted Standard Will, Living Will and Power of Attorney plus yearly updates.t